SRD puttering about: MFA studio in Process



SOUND PIECE: Foghorns- sunrise on the river… Composition sketch 3

Third composition, visualizing a foggy moment on the river…

Sunrise, morning fog

SOUND PIECE: Regalo Le Megalo- sunrise wakie wakie… Composition sketch 2

It is a cold fall morning in November, in the distance the cooling towers of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, fatherless golems standing in static despair. The air is still, but electric, moisture rising slowly from the warm earth. Expecting a smorgasbord of insects to rush about trying to escape, hundreds of birds, rodents and… Read More ›


SOUND PIECE: A composition for Millenia-Trees a First pass —Composition sketch 1

1/22/2020: Probably my first ever real attempt at composition. After considering the level of interactions and negotiations necessary to work with a real composer to get a score for my video pieces, I decided to try to make audio sketches of possible directions for the current longform piece that I am working on. Most of… Read More ›