SRD puttering about: MFA studio in Process

Working on creating the installation of “Untitled #3044-Triggered Redundancy for the show at the Delaware Contemporary in Wilmington.

I Have been trying to come up with an installation strategy that would work in a group show, specifically creating immersive space with a sonic environment while not distracting or affecting others in the space as well as not having to rely on a completely impossible online hosted sound which will never be able to synch with imagery on screens.

Here are some sketches of possible directions, although all of this is constrained by time, money and tech assets, which I do consider in these

Click on the words IDEA1 and IDEA 2 to see the 2 models (they are supposed to look like tabs but there is of course a technical issue.)

Idea 1Idea 2

Monitors and near field studio monitors on height adjustable wood easels, with pots containing Phragmites surrounding and serving as counter weights

Model 2 was actually my first idea, but it is a simple partition that combined with the back corner of the first gallery would create a corridor in which one person could stand surrounded by the experience.
Here I would use either 2 monitors and a projector or 4 monitors and a projector to create the environment in conjunction with near field speakers for the quiet soundscape, of my compositions and the recreated sonic environment. I am not sure about using the plants here as it feels as if it would be a cliche/kitchi natural history museum exhibit here.

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